Saturday, January 10, 2015

Off to not such a great start

So, last Saturday, a week ago, we decided to go into town and check out the furniture at Ikea. And, since gas was $1.95 at the Wawa (double win!), we decided to get off at Bearss to fill the tank. And, as we turned onto Bearss, a young woman failed to see the red light, and smashed into our car, with us in it.

The car is now in the body shop, getting much of the passenger side replaced, and the rest of the passenger side repaired. Yeah, she took out the whole side of the car.

I felt "fine" as in normal considering I'd been thrown around more than a nasty ride of the kind I don't go on anymore. I felt "fine" until Tuesday when my shoulder started feeling less than fine, then Wednesday, when I really felt my shoulder and it was NOT fine, and then Thursday when the pain was reducing me to wrapping the shoulder in a heating pad and downing large doses of painkillers while staying in bed.

So, that's "where I've been" when I intended to be writing this blog. Once I can use my arm again, I will start over in the way this was intended. Until then......

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hello to our new life!

I have closed out my old blog, Tilting at Windmills. Our life has totally changed and it no longer is relevant. I am looking forward to sharing our new life.