If anyone is reading this, check back in a few days; I am going to be building my side bar. Many of the links will be to the same sites as my old blog- my interests have not changed a lot, just grown. So, there will be some new sites to check out as well.
My goals for this blog are simple- record for myself my crafty and artistic activities, share them with anyone who wants to read them, and create a sort of online diary that, like my old blog, will be something for me to go back and re-read to remind myself of both good and bad in the past, and enjoy the current in perspective.
So, if you like books, needlework of many kinds, tatting, crochet, loom knitting, quilting, especially Hawaiian quilts, photography, scrapbooking, both paper and digital, stamping and other papercrafting, genealogy, music, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sherlock Holmes, geeky stuff, anything Disney, retirement living, and whatever else I happen to decide to post about, you will be welcome here. This is SOOOO NOT going to be a dedicated blog, lol!!!